Our company was founded in 1985 by Manuel Moreyra and a team of high-ranked professionals from Peru’s Central Reserve Bank (Banco Central de Reserva del Perú, in Spanish) with the mission to provide the highest quality in economic, financial, and business consulting services to its clients.
Throughout its 38-year history, our Lima office’s activities have evolved following the country’s economic reality and its clients’ needs. In that regard, our advisors interact with government agencies, business associations, multilateral agencies, private corporations, non-profit organizations, and academic institutions.
We have participated in over 85 transactions totalling more than US$19 billion. Due to the experience and success accumulated through multiple, diverse, and complex transactions, we can offer a differentiated value-added service to our clients, including the top Peruvian companies, foreign investors with operations or interests in the country, international organizations, and public sector institutions.
Since the 1990’s Macroinvest has had an active role in the economic transformation of the country by participating in key transactions such as the transfer to the private sector of the telecommunications companies Compañía Peruana de Teléfonos and ENTEL Peru, and the Antamina, Las Bambas, Toromocho, La Granja and Michiquillay mining mega-projects.

Av. Santa Cruz 830
Oficina 202, Miraflores
Lima – Perú
+511 203 9800
+511 422 6365